Emergency Boiler Repair with Minimal Outage
One of our 24/7 emergency maintenance and repair crews recently executed an expedited repair on one of our clients SA type boilers that developed a tube leak over the past week. Working in a confined space, our seasoned crew located and identified tubes to be fixed, prepped the rolled ends of the tubes in both the mud and steam drums, and installed tube plugs in the affected generating tubes. Completion of the repairs included seal welding of the plugs, thus isolating leaking tubes, confirmed by a successful hydro-test.
Our MBB Power Services Division provides repair and maintenance services for all types of pressure vessels plus Cogeneration and Waste Heat Boilers. Whether you require the repair of a single coil leak, or replacement of liner plates or even the complete replacement of a module, we will execute this work in a timely manner in order to minimize your down time and loss of revenue.
The collage below gives a brief sequence of events conducted on this repair.
Description of Collage Pictures
- Confined space entry for gen tube access (top left)
- Interior view of mud drum worker identifying and prepping the tube for repair (top center)
- Genbank tubes ready for installation of plugs (bottom left)
- Steam drum end tube plug installation (right side of collage)
- Genbank tue plug installed and welded (right)